ways to be the best client.

So you think your a good client? How can you be sure that your hair stylist isn’t complaining about you in the breakroom?? Lets face it SOME clients are dreadful. Want to make sure you don’t fall into that category? Follow these suggestions.

  1. Show up on time

    Showing up on time really means 5-10 minutes before your appointment begins. A good client understands this. Anytime past your appointment start time has a ripple effect on their whole day. Its super annoying. Now, mistakes happen - traffic is a thing, being on time is not 100% garunteed, the best clients text their stylist to let them know they are running behind. This level of respect for their sytlists time makes all the difference.

  2. Dont text your stylist between the hours of 8pm-8am

    When my phone is blowing up with texts from a client at 6:30am about their hair inspo I want to toss my cell into a blender. I aim to have open lines of communication with clients but this level of availbilty gets in the way of me trying to unplug. After a full day of talking to people, respinding to dms, posting on social etc. hair stylists need to feel human. Respect our time and we will love you for it.

  3. Show up with dry hair

    Please don’t come in with wet hair, its actually kind of rude. I didn’t schedule “blow dry client at the beginning of the appointment”. When you book a service there is a certain amount of time alloted. Coming in with wet hair means adding an additional 5-10 minutes to the service, which means running late for the next one. Thank you for showering before hand but I cant apply color to wet hair. Even worse — those who “just worked out” - that’s straight up wet sweat that you want your stylist to touch. EW. Dry hair please.

  4. Dont over antisipate

    This is a lovely reminder to just relax at your next visit. Don’t be the client that try’s to anticipate every move of the stylist. For example, moving your head during a hair cut to help the angle or trying to move your head during the shampoo to aid the stylist. Its very kind of you to want to make things easier on us but it slows things down and can cause unwanted mess ups. Also close your eyes at the bowl, its just too awkward making eye contact from that angle.

  5. Dress appropriately

    Don’t wear a white expensive high collar top - i will ruin it.

  6. Show appreciation

    The best clients are the ones who tell everyone about how amazing their stylist is, writes reviews. and cheers you on.


    Don’t do this.

xoxo - courtney


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